Winning The Wireless Customer Experience

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In the post-pandemic scenario, multiple changes are unfolding in the retail industry. The major catalysts for this turnaround are pandemic, acquisition of new technologies, and digital transformation. In the first quarter of 2020, carriers reduced the number of stores,

Construction in COVID-19

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Generally, Construction in COVID-19 | it is said that as you hit rock bottom, the only place where you can go from there is up. Similarly, the economy has suffered so badly during covid-19 that a small increase looks gigantic and promising. A post covid outlook of the economy is positive as unemployment is declining, […]

Diversity and Inclusion’s affect on a Sustainable enterprise.

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  “Development which meets the needs of current generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”  Brundtland report 1987 In the 1990s, the United Nations and intergovernmental organizations had to put hard strides to get companies interested in sustainability. Now the battle is almost over as companies’ executives have realized […]

Agility – A key to Accelerate Digital Transformation

accelerate digital transformation

        “It’s never over. There is always change and always more to do.” – Dr. Brigit Koenig, CEO of German’s Allianz Health   In the past, communication was slow – as the means of communication were limited and archaic. To know what is trending and which trend has faded away, one has […]